Episode 18 - We won a raffle from New York Review Books - yay more books!

We got a surprise in the mail! Dropping a business card at the New York Review Books booth at BookExpo paid off. We won the raffle and received this amazing box of sixteen books. See the show notes below for book titles and authors.

We got a surprise in the mail! Dropping a business card at the New York Review Books booth at BookExpo paid off. We won the raffle and received this amazing box of sixteen books. See the show notes below for book titles and authors.

Episode Eighteen Show Notes
CW = Chris Wolak
EF = Emily Fine

– Just Read –
Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body – Roxane Gay (CW)(EF)
An American Marriage – Tayari Jones (EF) release date February 2018
The Gypsy Moth Summer – Julia Fierro (CW)

books we Just Couldn’t Read (or DNF’d)
The Essex Serpent – Sarah Perry (CW)

– Currently Reading/Listening –
This I Believe: Life Lessons – edited by Dan Gediman, Mary Jo Gediman and John Gregory (EF)
New Haven Noir – edited by Amy Bloom (CW) release date August 3
The Immortalists – Chloe Benjamin (EF) release date January 2018
The Tincture of Time: A Memoir of (Medical) Uncertainty – Elizabeth L. Silver (EF)

– Biblio Adventures –
June 14 – Annual Meeting of The Community Fund for Women & Girls of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven. Guest Speakers: Linda Sarsour and Rebecca Traister
Rebecca is the author of: All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation and Big Girls Don’t Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women
Look into donating to your local community foundation!
June 14 – Chris went to RJ Julia Bookstore to see Linda Greenlaw author of Shiver Hitch

– Upcoming Jaunts –
June 29 – Chris and Emily will head to Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore to see Weike Wang author of Chemistry
July 7 – Laura Thoma author of Mastering the Art of Self-Expression in conversation with John Valeri at Bookclub Bookstore

– Upcoming Reads –
Jack be Quick – Benjamin Thomas (CW)
Hack-Proof Your Life Now! – Sean M. Bailey and Devin Kropp (EF)
Love and Other Consolation Prizes – Jamie Ford (EF)

– New York Review Books Raffle Booklist –
Agony – Mark Bayer
Wish Her Safe at Home – Stephen Benatar
The New York Stories of Elizabeth Hardwick – Elizabeth Hardwick
In Love – Alfred Hayes
Loving – Henry Green
Don’t Look Now – Daphne Du Maurier
Tolstoy, Rasputin, Others, And Me – The Best of Teffi
The Dud Avocado –Elaine Dundy
Family Lexicon – Natalia Ginzburg
The If Borderlands: Collected Poems – Elise Partridge
During the Reign of the Queen of Persia – Joan Chase
The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe – D.G. Compton
The Vet’s Daughter – Barbara Comyns
The Farm in the Green Mountains – Alice Herdan-Zuckmayer
The Invention of Morel – Adolfo Bioy Casares
A Month in The Country – J.L. Carr

– Also Mentioned –
The Color Purple – Alice Walker
Winged Obsession: The Pursuit of the World’s Most Notorious Butterfly Smuggler – Jessica Speart  
Rachel Porter mystery series – Jessica Speart
My Cousin Rachel – Daphne Du Maurier
Stoner – John Williams